seo consultant sydney

Do You Need an SEO Consultant, Sydney? A Guide

Did you know that the single most popular Google search in Australia last year was “Wordle”?

If you want to have a successful business, then it’s important to keep track of these types of trends and so much more. That way, you can create better content that drives even more traffic toward your official website, for instance. With fine-tuned digital marketing strategies that use SEO, your brand awareness can skyrocket.

Are you wondering what it is and if it’s worth the investment? Keep reading to learn whether or not you need an SEO consultant in Sydney with this in-depth guide.

What Is SEO?

SEO is an acronym that stands for search engine optimization. Chances are you’ve noticed that a single search in Google or Yahoo has given you hundreds of results if not thousands or more. However, most people don’t bother looking beyond the first page of those results, let alone beyond the first few items at the top of the page.

As a brand, it’s crucial to get into the highest rankings possible. If you don’t invest in search engine optimization, then you’ll end up on a distant search result page that almost no one will see.

SEO is changing all the time. This is why it’s important to stay up to date on these changes. What’s even better is if you can stay one step ahead of the changes before they’ve been implemented.

This is something that an SEO consultant can help you with. You might be wondering if SEO is truly a business necessity or if you can get away with not using it.

What Are the Benefits of SEO Marketing?

There are many benefits of SEO marketing that go well beyond boosting your position on the search results page. For instance, quality content that has passed the algorithmic checks of Google can provide your site and entire brand with a stamp of authority. This kind of legitimacy can go a long way toward establishing trust.

Without trust, you can’t expect people to invest in your products and services in the first place. Aside from this benefit, proper SEO can also ensure that you get the most out of every paid ad. The last thing you’d want is to launch an ad campaign that gets little to no clicks or exposure.

There are still many businesses out there that either don’t use SEO at all or try to without knowing how. Either way, using SEO with expertise can give you a valuable competitive edge.

How Can an SEO Consultant Help You?

If you want SEO tips that can change the way you do things for the better, then you’ll need the expertise of a consultant. They can help you determine keywords that are not only relevant but also powerful enough to make a difference in your content and your business website.

Aside from having the right amount of keywords and the correct locations, they can also ensure that the keywords are not too popular. Using the most popular keywords possible may make sense to the untrained individual, but this is something that can end up backfiring and sabotaging your strategy. The reason for this is that the most popular keywords also come with the most overcrowded competition.

Rather, it’s more effective to start out with keywords with medium popularity, especially when you’re still trying to build up your brand. This is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of an SEO consultant.

How to Find an SEO Consultant You Can Trust

Before you start getting marketing tips from someone, you might be wondering how you can even find a trustworthy SEO consultant in the first place. There are many different companies out there so it can be a bit difficult to find the one that’s right for you.

For starters, it’s a good idea to look over what their current or previous clients have to say about their services. One way you can do this is by searching their name online and finding various reviews or testimonials. Of course, these must be read with a grain of salt because anyone can leave a review and say almost anything they want with no personal consequences.

If you want something more accurate and personable, then you should ask a potential SEO consultant for some references you can follow up on. That way, you can speak with people in real time and ask them all about their experiences with the SEO expert.

Make sure you get references that are recent because a service provider can end up changing by a significant amount even within a relatively short time period.

Don’t forget to schedule a consultation with the SEO consultant themselves. This is yet another opportunity in which you can ask important questions. For instance, you should ask about the extent of their training and experience, the types of strategies they tend to use, why they think your brand would be a good fit, and much more.

That way, you can find the right digital marketing specialist who you can work with for many years to come.

Are You Ready to Work With an SEO Consultant in Sydney?

Now that you’ve learned all about whether or not you need an SEO consultant in Sydney, you can make sure that your marketing is taken to a whole new level. With an SEO expert at your side, you’ll have the ability to tap into fresh pools of potential customers. Once you try it out, you’ll never want to go back.

Rachelle Sassine has an amazing track record of growing companies using the strategic power of search engine optimization. From local SEO to web design, she’s ready to help expand your brand.

Contact her now for a free digital strategy session.

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