Preston Panthers Volleyball Club Boosts Global Reach with Digital Strategies

In an era where digital marketing is key to growing your business, the Preston Panthers Volleyball Club has successfully harnessed the power of social media to transform their club’s community and reach. Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, the club’s social media strategy was rather basic, primarily relying on a single Facebook group with a limited number of members. However, with the goal of expanding their club and fostering a thriving community, they brought on board a new head of social media who initiated a more dynamic and engaging approach.

The new strategy involved establishing a presence across a range of social media channels and actively interacting with their audience. This change in direction has seen the club’s social media footprint grow exponentially, with comprehensive campaigns now running across all major platforms.

The impact of this digital marketing push has been nothing short of transformative for the club. Their expanded Facebook presence has not only increased their local reach but also introduced them to international groups and followers. This has led to the Panthers evolving into a highly diverse club, boasting members from Hong-Kong, Ukraine, Sudan, and beyond.

Furthermore, their digital marketing efforts have facilitated meaningful connections with international clubs. A notable example is their connection with Florida Day School from Buenos Aires, which visited the juniors in September 2023 for friendly games.

Beyond fostering international connections, the club’s enhanced social media presence has supported their local growth. They’ve been able to enter adult teams into local leagues and the National Volleyball League. Their junior teams have also made strides, recently participating in their first ever Junior Grand Prix tournament series.

So, how can other clubs replicate this success? The Preston Panthers have one key piece of advice for those embarking on their digital marketing journey: “Create content that is appealing and diverse, utilise a variety of channels across social media platforms, and encourage your club members to engage with all social media activities.”

By adopting this approach, clubs can ensure they’re as diverse, present, and relevant as possible. This not only makes it easier to reach potential players, members, and spectators but also increases the likelihood of them engaging with your content.

The Panthers’ success story underscores the power of digital marketing in growing a club’s community and reach. It’s a testament to the potential of social media as a tool for growth and engagement, and a perfect case study for any marketing consultant looking to understand how to grow your business through social media.

Generative AI technologies can also play a vital role in this process, helping clubs to automate and optimise their social media activities. Such technologies can help clubs to identify trends, tailor their content to their audience, and maximise their engagement.

The Preston Panthers are also open to assisting other clubs with their digital marketing efforts. For advice or support, you can reach out to them at Their success story is proof that with the right approach, clubs can harness the power of social media to grow their community, foster international connections, and increase their local reach.

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